


We have PE every Wednesday with Mr Ormrod. Children should come to school wearing their school uniform and bring their PE kit with them. We ask this so that we can support children in dressing and undressing independently. Please ensure that ALL items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.


We have PE every Wednesday with Mr Ormrod. Children should come to school wearing their school uniform and bring their PE kit with them. We ask this so that we can support children in dressing and undressing independently. Please ensure that ALL items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Year One


We have PE each Thursday and Friday; therefore, children are expected to attend school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Year Two
We have PE each Wednesday and Thursday, and children should attend school in their PE kits on these days.
Year Three


We have PE each Monday with Mrs Sadiq and each Tuesday with Mr Ormrod. Therefore children are expected to attend school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Year Four


We have PE on a Tuesday and swimming every Thursday; therefore, children are expected to attend school wearing their PE kit. Tuesday’s PE lessons are with Mr Ormrod.

Year Five


We have PE each Monday with Mr Ormrod. We also have Swimming each Thursday; therefore, children are expected to attend school wearing their PE kit on these days. On Thursday, children are to bring their swimming kit, along with a swimming cap, to school in a bag.

Year Six


We have PE each Monday and Wednesday; therefore, children are expected to attend school wearing their full PE kit on these days.

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